A day with Ahmad Chalabi
With the 3rd Cav in Bi'aj
With the 3rd Cav in Tal Afar
With the 3rd Cav in Tal Afar
With the 3rd Cav in Tal Afar
The 205th Batallion on nightly raid
With the 3rd Cav in Bi'aj
With the 3rd Cav in Tal Afar
Joint Operation
Joint Operation
With the 3rd Cav in Bi'aj
With the 3rd Cav in Bi'aj
The 205th Batallion on nightly raid
The 205th Batallion on nightly raid
Welcome to Yarmouk Hospital
Dead bodies remain unclaimed
Iraqi Torture Victims
Iraqi Sandstorms
Dead bodies remain unclaimed
A table
American funded park remains unfinished and unused
American funded park remains unfinished and unused
Car bomb kills and wounds children
More than 600 killed in mass panic
Iraqis mourning over stampede victims
Families are fleeing Iraq
Soldiers and their stuff
Soldiers and their stuff
Military Transition Teams (MiTT) are of increasing importance in Iraq;
Steven Vincent murdered in Basra
Military officer training
Soldiers in Iraq praying for Pope
With the 3rd Cav in North Western Iraq
Residents of Umm Qasr protesting against Kuwaiti border
With the 3rd Cav in North Western Iraq
Baghdad increasingly looks like a place of civil war
Baghdad increasingly looks like a place of civil war
Baghdad increasingly looks like a place of civil war
Baghdad increasingly looks like a place of civil war
Iraq from the air
With the 3rd Cav in Bi'aj
Problems and Successes in Kurdistan
Problems and Successes in Kurdistan
Military Transition Teams (MiTT) are of increasing importance in Iraq;
Military Transition Teams (MiTT) are of increasing importance in Iraq;
Iraq from the air
Joint Operation
With the 3rd Cav in Tal Afar
Military Transition Teams (MiTT) are of increasing importance in Iraq;
Military Transition Teams (MiTT) are of increasing importance in Iraq;
With the 3rd Cav in North Western Iraq
Joint Operation
In the spring of 2005, when the Iraqi insurgency and sectarian violence reached its first peak, Westerners were kidnapped and beheaded and most foreign journalists had left the country, I started to work in Iraq on assignment for The New York Times. I remained in Iraq throughout 2006 and early 2007 and worked largely independently from the military, collaborating with Iraqi guards, drivers, and translators, but was also embedded with American, British and Iraqi forces. My pictures from Iraq appear in Iraq: The Space Between, War Porn and hello camel.